Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sailing - Camp Kachina

A Sunfish sail

All full and big

And boats on the water

That we, Girl Scouts, rigged


We all learn

To sail

On Lake Belton

So Blue


And a Sunfish

Would sail better

If it sailed off

With YOU!


I have gone to many sailing camps and programs. But the Spring Break Sailing Camp at Camp Kachina is, by far, my favorite.

The afternoon you arrive, you are welcomed with a smile and the day is dedicated to getting you familiar with the parts of the boat, safety and knots. As well as getting to know the other Girl Scouts who would be sailing with you. The next day is smooth sailing all day. If you’re experienced you can solo sail or you can go out on the water with a buddy.

The camp I attended, we sailed for a fun six hours! None of us had trouble sleeping that night and the next day was points of sail and cleaning up.

Its camps like these that help get girls feet wet in the world of sailing. It opens up an opportunity to stay fit and learn to harness the wind and the water as well as meet other girls you share your same interest.

I was fortunate enough to go to camp two and a half years ago and learn to sail, because I have had a love and passion ever since. And now, as an Ambassador, I still go to these camps and events to get a recap. Because it’s not only the sunfish and the wind that always draw me back to Camp Kachina, but it’s the coordinators and adult volunteers that make all of these events and programs fun and safe.

These adults at Kachina have encouraged me to keep boating and they will forever fill my sail with wind to keep sailing forward. And now this summer I am going on the Virgin Islands Tall Ship Sailing Destinations trip.

Come to Camp Kachina for Summer Sailing camp, because we would love to see you paired with a sunfish and on the water. Sailing like a Mariner Girl Scout!!



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