Saturday, May 3, 2014

Old Girl Scout Uniforms

You have probably noticed my passion for GS History.    I hope you have read my blog about getting my Golden Eaglet.    This is a picture of me in a uniform that I have added to my family heritage collection. 
You might be wondering where all of the uniforms in our resent give away came from. Let me share a story with you. About two years ago Ernie and I met a man who had been collecting all things scouting for about fifty years, with the idea that he would one day start a museum devoted to Scouting. After he was, “let go” form the Boy Scouts because they wanted younger adults, apparently he had nothing left to offer once he became ill with Parkinson’s.  He started to buy anything and everything related to Scouting. He believed that if he didn’t buy it no one would want it and it would be cast aside, hence a hoarder of scouting memorabilia was born.  Over the course of many years the “collection” got out of control.  Taking over the basement and several room of the house, sheds were built to house the collection mostly sorted and in labeled footlockers. Now at nearly ninety years old and with declining health he has convinced the local BSA alumni group to set up a Boy Scout museum at the council, which has given them a space for the permanent collection.   That only left the Girl Scout portion of the collection to deal with.
We bought the GS items that we could use, but there was so much of everything that we simply cannot ever use it all.  Many pounds of uniforms were given to our local council, Girl Scouts of Colorado to be used in program boxes and for fashion shows.  Once our friend realized that these uniforms could be loved and treasured by others he has agreed to let us find new homes for them.  Giving away his collection has been very hard for both him and his wife, even though he knows it must be done.  Everything that has left their home must be photographed and cataloged, this I’m sure is a coping mechanism of sorts.
Now we have a favor to ask of you. Would you please take a photo of someone with the uniform(s) or of the Girl Scout display that you make or of someone wearing one of the uniforms that you got from the give away?  If it’s not too much trouble you could email the photo to us along with a short note letting Robert know how you intend to use the uniform or why you wanted to have it.  We plan on giving him a scrapbook as a memento. Thank you.
Yours In Girl Scouting,
Carol and Ernie Altvater

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